
Discussing common writing problems related to PhD thesis writing

Editing A Dissertation With APA Citations: 5 Simple Hints

When you have been asked to do a quick edit of your academic paper such a dissertation, one of the fundamental things you should always take into account is the academic writing style with which the paper is written. Academic writing styles are many and they include APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard and among others. Around the world, higher learning institutions recommend different writing styles to their students. This is something you should understand from the onset if you want to score highly in your papers. Well, with each writing style having its own unique citation style, it is also important that you take into account the necessity for having a specific approach when it comes to editing. So, how do you edit an APA dissertation? On the web and in books stored in your college library, there is no doubt that you will certainly find numerous approaches that can help you with this. However, the big question whose answers you should always honestly seek is, is the editing style written by a revered author or novelist? Sometimes students tend to rush and make wrong decisions. This is always a recipe for poor grades and especially if later on, they discover that the author whose guidelines they followed in editing their APA papers is not actually accredited, hence the information they read was actually fake.

There are many hints out there that will help you out with editing your term paper. The problem is, many times they are scanty and that is why in this post, we put everything in one place to get you started.

Taking care of in text citations

An APA academic writing style is one of the widely used in many higher learning institutions around the world. While you may always get it right with your final copy, there is no doubt that a few areas will need fine tuning. On this premise, you should be careful not to edit out APA in text citations which always include the name of the author and the year of publication separated by a comma and replaces the same with in text citation meant for MLA citation styles. Take note of the differences when it comes to citing your sources using various academic writing styles.

Consistency with bibliographic information

When editing your dissertation using APA style of referencing, make sure what is cited in the literature review is consistence with what is found at the back page reference list.

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